Our goal at Allaire Community Farm is to utilize our rescued animals and working farm environment to nurture through nature. Our farm is focused on helping special needs adults and children, teens facing mental health issues, veterans with PTSD and families battling cancer. We accomplish our mission through programs, events and outreach that uses animal therapy, equine therapy, organic gardening, and vocational training. At Allaire Community Farm, we also utilize our gardens and greenhouses to support families who are battling cancer or facing financial hardships. Further, all funds generated through the farm are used exclusively to support the mission of our non-profit organization.


 Thursday - Sundays 4pm - 8 pm

Active November 29th, 2024 - Decemeber 29th, 2024
We are closed on all major Holidays

  • Mother's Day 5/12
  • Memorial Day 5/27
  • Father's Day 6/16
  • Fourth of July 7/4
  • Labor Day 9/2


PLEASE NOTE: For the safety of your pet and our animals, no pets are permitted. Service animals must wear vests indicating they are properly trained to do work or perform a task for someone with a disability. Since emotional support animals, comfort animals, and therapy dogs are not considered service animals under Title II and Title III of the ADA, they are not permitted. Also, we do not allow picnicking at the farm. Please do not bring in coolers or bagged lunches.

TAX ID: 47-3302512

What makes us unique

We are a dual purpose non-profit farm, that utilizes ecotherapy programs for the public and for individuals with specialized needs