Spend a day at the Farm!

501(c)(3) NonProfit Organization

Make a New Furry Friend

Visit our Wall Township, NJ Petting Zoo

Our animals are at the heart of our mission and allow us to be a sanctuary that fosters healing and hope. Many of our rescued animals have come to our farm showing the physical effects of their neglect. Our petting zoo consists of horses, goats, pigs, donkeys, an alpaca, a cow, a turkey, chickens, ducks, rabbits and more. The petting zoo is open to the public from Spring to Fall.

April -November
Monday- Saturday 10 am to 4 pm
Sunday: Noon to 4 pm
Closed on All Major Holidays

$6 for adults (16 and over) and $3 for children over the age of 1. Our Petting Zoo is open to the public and no reservations are required. Cash or Credit Accepted

For the safety of your pet and our animals, no pets are permitted. Service animals must wear vests. Emotional support animals, comfort animals, and therapy dogs are not permitted.

Hop on one of our Wagon Rides!

We offer tractor-drawn wagon rides around our 25-acre farm for you and your family to enjoy. Take in nature's beauty while sitting back and relaxing. Wagon Rides run on the weekends from April-November. Each ride is approximately 10 minutes long. Wagon rides are $3 per person.

Farm Train Rides

For a closer view of the farm, we also have Farm train rides for kids of all ages. Our Farm train travels alongside the petting zoo and other animal pens, letting you catch a glimpse of our animals in their routine as you ride.

Farm rides are the perfect way for your child to experience rural living and for you to get a memorable photo. Tickets for the Farm train rides are $3 per person.