A Message From the Founders
From our inception in 2013, our farm has maintained a dual purpose. Our mission is to provide healing and educational programs based on an animal-centered approach, especially for specific groups of people.
It was important to us that the name of our farm included "Community". Allaire Community Farm relies heavily on volunteers, who give their time to better their local communities as well as our farm community.
Donations, grants, and individuals who want to enrich the lives of our animals and those that visit, are our main sources of funding. In addition, we offer several programs to the public in order to cover some of our operating costs. All monies received go directly to support the mission of the farm and its programs.
Our focus will always be centered around our animals and those who benefit the most from their touch and love.
Sean and JoAnn Burney
"Nurture through Nature"
A 501(c)3 NJ non profit
1923 Baileys Corner Road, Wall, NJ 07719
A Sanctuary where passionate people make an impact on their community by creating an encouraging environment that fosters healing and hope.
We are a Commercial farm with a mission of inclusion. Our goal is to utilize our rescued animals and the working farm environment to nurture with nature special needs individuals and at-risk teens suffering from depression, anxiety, and self-harming. We also support Veterans who suffer with PTSD. Our gardens and greenhouses support local families battling cancer with weekly free produce.
Our goal is to assist those with special needs and mental health issues in our community to reach their highest potential and to become productive members of society.
Our facilities enable us to serve our populations and the surrounding community year round. The farm has indoor and outdoor facilities which allow our guests to enjoy the farm no matter what the weather. When complete our farm will include an indoor training and riding facility, a 20 stall barn, an indoor petting zoo, a produce processing facility, a covered pavilion , an antique farming barn, a pony shed and a state of the art greenhouse.
Allen Richard Young, PhD - President (Retired Special Agent)
Fredrick Millman - Vice President (Tax Accessor, Point Pleasant)
Adam Hutchinson - Treasurer (Managing Director, River's Edge Wealth Partners)
Linda Young - Secretary (Retired Budget Director, Howell School System)
Colleen Millman - Board Member (Assistant to Tax Collector, Point Pleasant)
Gerald Franklin - Board Member (Retried Commercial Pilot)
Terry Franklin - Board Member (Retired Teacher)
Sean Burney - Board Member (Retired Real Estate Broker)
Kim Gaydos - Board Member (Monmouth County Department of Health Volunteer Coordinator)